Networking at business presentations and events. All your promotional material is required in order to promote your company at these events, banners, samples etc
Hotlines – interaction with specialists in their field of expertise
Business Leads, the latest Tender Bulletins
Presentations which are all aimed at affecting your bottom line.
We pride ourselves with having the ability of providing the very latest information on all pertinent issues as they happen
Trading in Africa – all the latest information
Africa Weekly Updates
Monthly Business Confidence Analysis
Courses to enhance your business performance
Business and educational Workshops
Certificates of Origin
Business Information, advice and assistance
Trade information
Representation and advice of local, provincial and international importance
Invitations to meet local and foreign delegations and dignitaries
Embassy introductions
Letters of Introduction, local and international
Metropolitan / Ekurhuleni Council introductions and information
Introductions to BUSA and Nedlac
Labour advice
Members are welcome to use the Chamber and Sacci’s Logo on their letterheads