What is the relevance?
Read this here because you won’t read it in Engineering News
This agreement between Seifsa, NUMSA and four other trade unions was signed on 23 August 2017. No other organisation on the MEIBC (NEASA, SAEFA, CEO, KZNEIA, SAUEO, BORDER Industries employers organisation and FEOSA) signed this agreement.
The organisations affiliated to Seifsa, therefore party to this agreement, only represent approximately 1000 employers in the Steel Industry, which currently comprises approximately 9 percent of employers in the Industry.
Of relevance in this regard, is the fact that only 4 SEIFSA affiliated organisations have a seat on the management committee (MANCO) of the MEIBC – where a decision in respect of any extension will be taken. Since Seifsa affliated organisations occupy only 4 out of 21 seats on MANCO and therefore does not meet representativity requirements, it is highly unlikely that an attempt to extend this agreement will succeed.
Any attempt by Seifsa and the trade unions to extend this agreement by unlawful means (as they have done in the past), will be met with the appropriate urgent legal action.
In respect of the 10 000 employers in the Steel Industry which are not bound by this industry regressive Seifsa/trade union agreement, the question remains how to deal with the issue of increases at plant level. As was undertaken in NEASA’s previous communiques, we will advise employers in due course. In the meantime employers are advised to retain the status quo.
Employers can direct any enquiries in this regard to our hotline 086 016 3272.